Want to Get Better at Interviewing? Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

Want to Get Better at Interviewing? Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

As programmers, one thing we know how to do is iterate. We can take a simple project or bit of code and add to it, make it more flexible, less error-prone and capable of handling more functionality. Rachel Salois shows us how she applied that mentality to her job search, improving her interview prep and performance over time by building out her “Interview Manifesto”!

How to Ace the Dreaded Whiteboard Interview

How to Ace the Dreaded Whiteboard Interview

For many bootcamp grads and self-taught programmers, the whiteboard exercise can be the most dreaded part of the interview process. Those of us lacking a computer science background can feel underprepared for this challenge and don't know how to turn it to our advantage. First, we'll learn what the whiteboard exercise really is and what to expect from it. Then, we'll break down a few strategies for you to ace this part of your interview.

What To Ask Your Interviewer

What To Ask Your Interviewer

We've all been there: that most dreaded part of the interview, when you're asked "So, do you have any questions for me?" You freeze. "Uh...will you hire me?" Don't get caught off guard. Ask these questions to impress your interviewer and find out what you need to know before receiving and accepting an offer.

Being A Great "Fit" - An Interviewer's Perspective

Being A Great "Fit" - An Interviewer's Perspective

Edwin Lim, an experienced developer and interviewer tells you how to overcome the biggest interviewing obstacle: “team fit”:

How to present yourself as a good "fit" is a vague undertaking because interviews are inherently a people driven process that applies communication, intuition, and judgement as their primary tools.

I find the most avoidable yet very common mistake candidates make is giving disconcerting or lackluster answers about what they'd be like to work with. So, I have one essential recommendation for those interviewing.

Professional Devs Share Their Resume Dos and Don'ts

Professional Devs Share Their Resume Dos and Don'ts

If you're writing your first dev resume it can be hard to figure out how to strike the right tone, what to share about your life before coding and how to highlight the skills you have while still being upfront about your beginner status.

To get some answers, we talked to professional devs who have interviewed dozens of engineering candidates about their biggest resume dos and don'ts.