Learning to Code? Build a Strong Foundation

Learning to Code? Build a Strong Foundation

You want to make a career change and become a professional dev, but there is SO much out there to learn! It's easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you'll never "catch up" to the other devs out there. But, if you build a solid foundation of some core programming skills, you can break into the tech world and land your first dev job. Let's talk about how to get started.

Learning to Code? Find Your People

Learning to Code? Find Your People

Learning to code is hard. There's no way around it. But you're not alone. Successful learners and successful programmers have one thing in common: community. Find and learn from other beginners and developers of all levels to kickstart your career as a programmer.

What To Ask Your Interviewer

What To Ask Your Interviewer

We've all been there: that most dreaded part of the interview, when you're asked "So, do you have any questions for me?" You freeze. "Uh...will you hire me?" Don't get caught off guard. Ask these questions to impress your interviewer and find out what you need to know before receiving and accepting an offer.

How (and Why) To Build a Side Project

How (and Why) To Build a Side Project

If you're looking for your first dev job, you don't have a lot (or any!) work experience. You need some side projects to show off what you can do and help you level-up your skills. Building an app from the ground up is a lot of work. It can be hard to figure out where to start. Read on to learn how to build out your very own impressive side project.

Pair Programming For Beginners

Pair Programming For Beginners

Pair programming is a popular technique in which two developers work together to ensure clean, high-quality code. Maybe you've heard of it but never put it into practice, maybe you've tried it out but you're not sure if you're doing it right, or what you're supposed to get out of it. Read on to learn what exactly pairing is, what you win when you pair and how to practice it the right way.

Being A Great "Fit" - An Interviewer's Perspective

Being A Great "Fit" - An Interviewer's Perspective

Edwin Lim, an experienced developer and interviewer tells you how to overcome the biggest interviewing obstacle: “team fit”:

How to present yourself as a good "fit" is a vague undertaking because interviews are inherently a people driven process that applies communication, intuition, and judgement as their primary tools.

I find the most avoidable yet very common mistake candidates make is giving disconcerting or lackluster answers about what they'd be like to work with. So, I have one essential recommendation for those interviewing.

Roadmap for Beginners

Roadmap for Beginners

You want to learn to code and become a professional developer. Maybe you've started taking some free online courses or maybe you're just wondering where to begin. While there are lots of different ways to learn to code and land your first engineering job, we'll layout a basic roadmap that you can use to guide you on your journey.

Professional Devs Share Their Resume Dos and Don'ts

Professional Devs Share Their Resume Dos and Don'ts

If you're writing your first dev resume it can be hard to figure out how to strike the right tone, what to share about your life before coding and how to highlight the skills you have while still being upfront about your beginner status.

To get some answers, we talked to professional devs who have interviewed dozens of engineering candidates about their biggest resume dos and don'ts.

How To Learn To Read

How To Learn To Read

Learning how to code isn't all that different than learning how to read. You wouldn't hand a kindergartner (or hopefully anyone, no offense) a copy of Infinite Jest and expect them to just figure it out. So why should you expect yourself to understand the most complex programming topics or build the coolest apps without taking the time to learn the basics?